About Cokos

Our mission

Both practical and beautiful. Sustainable and made with eye for detail. Our products are made to be passed on from generation to generation, as an heirloom. Natural, organic, comfortable and beautiful. We develop our products with the idea that they should last from generation to generation. Our designs are therefore always timeless and unisex. For everyone, forever.

Cocos Lifestyle rattan toy box boy's room

About us

Today our daily life is shaped by an endless stream of new, often ephemeral things. We long for the 'good old things'. With the quality of the past, when things were still made to last more than a lifetime. Which we can close in our hearts and pass on with love to the next generation. A piece of family history.

This need arose because of a family heirloom that had not survived several moves. A beautiful rattan cradle. 10 years later, a son on the way, the search for such a rattan cradle was started, to replace the family heirloom that was no longer there. At the time, this search came to nothing.

When our son was 2 years old, the same quest was set up. This time for a rattan toddler bed. But even here we didn't find what we were looking for. That is how we came up with the idea of ​​designing vintage-inspired rattan furniture for children ourselves. We found a professional workshop where people work with the rattan palm with craftsmanship and years of knowledge and experience. With designers who could convert our ideas into a concrete design and with professionals who can make high-quality furniture pieces by hand. And so the first product was born: Rotan Toddler Bed Sam. Named after our oldest son.

Cocos Lifestyle rattan toddler bed

The name Cokos…

The name of our brand 'Cokos' is also inspired by our eldest son. During pregnancy we always joked that his name would be 'Co'. This in combination with our surname 'Kos', formed the name Cokos, the Dutch word for coco(nut). This was of course not the name we had in mind for him, but it turned out to be the perfect name for our brand!


Unique look behind the scenes

Making a rattan piece of furniture is a complex process. One that is worked on with great craftsmanship and passion by our craftsmen and women in Indonesia.

We therefore think it is a real shame that relatively little is known about this process. Did you know, for example, that bending the rattan lianas in the shape we chose for us Rattan Toddler bed Sam , cost 1 day per bed?

We therefore invite you to follow this process through our Instagram or Facebook account.

A unique look behind the scenes.